If you are a member who resigns or is terminated, you may be eligible to request a refund of your pension and TDA contributions. Upon receipt of a completed withdrawal application, the Refund department is responsible for determining your eligibility to withdraw and the issuing of refunds. If you withdraw, you will relinquish all rights to the pension benefits of BERS.
If you accept another position that entitles you to membership in another New York public retirement system, you may be eligible to remain an active member of BERS as a transfer contributor or to transfer your BERS membership to another New York State or City Retirement System. To transfer your membership, you must be a member of the System you wish to transfer to and you must complete and submit a Transfer Application. Upon receipt of a completed transfer application, the Transfer department will verify your eligibility and calculate the amount of credited service and funds to be transferred. Transfer forms are available on this website and can be obtained by phone, mail or visiting our office. When requesting the forms by mail or by phone please indicate your name, address, membership number and telephone number and specify Pension and/or TDA.