Discretionary Award Process

Discretionary funding is a monetary award given by the New York City Council to meet local needs and fill gaps in City Agency services.

New for Fiscal Year 2024! The multiyear discretionary contract reform now allows your organization to enter one three-year contract per City agency, potentially eliminating nine months of contracting should your organization receive funds in the outyears. Refer to the Fiscal Year 2024 Multiyear Discretionary Contracting Provider FAQ for more information.

For a detailed walkthrough on how to budget and invoice your multi-year discretionary contracts in PASSPort, watch our webinar PASSPort Financials for Discretionary Providers.

Discretionary Funding Basics

  • Only nonprofits may apply.
  • Non-competitive procurement process.
  • Awarded for a single Fiscal Year.
  • Application process begins annually in January.
  • Awardees should be the primary service providers for the programs being funded, and their requests must have a public purpose, i.e., open to members of the public.

To learn more, please refer to this Guide: Understanding New York City Council Discretionary Funding and Discretionary Checklist.

The Discretionary Award Contracting Process

6 steps of the Discretionary Award Contracting Process